Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana

The last few days have had so many highlights it's hard to pick just a few to tell you about! So, instead, I'll give adjective-packed bullet points:)

Drove an amazingly long 2 days across Nebraska and Wyoming. It looked like morosely beautiful. We couldn't comprehend living with such desolation but know that people happily do. Perhaps if we didn't get along with neighbors?

Arrived in Idaho Falls and were over joyed to see my mom, Dan, and Steve. We enjoyed the incredibly beautiful scenic drives and went to some delightfully warm hot springs.

Next we went exploring in Teton Park and were in awe of the crystal clear blue lakes and glacier peaks. I could have stayed there forever but I would need the rest of the people I love to move there too.

Just when we thought we were on sensory overload, we went to Yellowstone. We couldn't believe the majestic wildness. We saw bison ( and were involved in a bison lead road block), wild moose ( they can dive up to 18 feet deep to eat), elk, eagles, and chipmunks. Additionally we saw the infamous Old Faithful (not particularly noteworthy in comparison to other things we saw) and thermal pools that displayed a meriade of colors including orange, turquoise, green, and purple.

We've packed up mom and Dan's house on the trailer (an amazing feat!) and we are now hammer down heading south.

There's still much more adventure ahead of us so I'll write again soon!

Ps- there are houses in Idaho where the basement was built but the top was never added. They are underground homes complete with driveway and garage. It made me giggle. I've attached a picture:)

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