Monday, August 27, 2012

Utah, Arizona, New Mexico

The Grand Canyon. I guess I always assumed it was just a giant hole in the ground. Oh, words can not describe how wrong I was! It literally brought me to tears. And in my opinion, pictures can never do it justice. It's the sheer enormity of it that blew me away followed closely by a mind blowingly different view with every inch that I walked around. I simply couldn't get enough. There was obscenely vacant desert all around that I struggled to believe could support life, yet there were gorgeous mountain tops filled with vibrant flowers and trees as well. The air was cool and difficult to breath because of how high we were and Levi's favorite thing, above all, was throwing rocks off the cliffs. I could say so much more about the Grand Canyon but I will, for brevity's sake, simply say that I cried at the beauty of it all.

Before arriving we stopped in Salt Lake City and visited a scenic train ride. I literally thought Levi was going to choke himself trying to get out if the car to walk to the train because he was SO excited. He was really into looking at and touching the train but I'm not sure he got the concept that we were riding in it. It was a 2 hour trip through the mountains of Provo and it was simply gorgeous. I think I actually liked the ride part more than Levi:) he kept asking where the train was while we were riding and I kept trying I explain that we were in the train. Oh well! It was still a great memory. And he keeps asking every day for that train specifically so maybe it was as special as we hoped it would be? It's almost as if we have a themed vacation centering around trains because it's Levi's current obsession.

After the Grand Canyon we were blessed to once again be guests in a lovely home. We stayed with the Lavatos in Albequerque, NM. It was a very comfortable and lovely home and most importantly filled with very very tasty food! We had bison burgers, homemade breakfast sausage burritos, and bison brisket for dinner. All were accompanied by organic salads of the most tasty variety. The fellowship was so sweet and the kids had a great time. The backyard had organic grapes, peaches, and apricots growing and Levi would play for a bit and then pick himself a snack. It was wonderful. Judah is steadily sitting up on his own all the time and moving about. I am just so blessed by him!

Now we're heading to Texas. It's going to be great! Hoping to miss Isaac!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana

The last few days have had so many highlights it's hard to pick just a few to tell you about! So, instead, I'll give adjective-packed bullet points:)

Drove an amazingly long 2 days across Nebraska and Wyoming. It looked like morosely beautiful. We couldn't comprehend living with such desolation but know that people happily do. Perhaps if we didn't get along with neighbors?

Arrived in Idaho Falls and were over joyed to see my mom, Dan, and Steve. We enjoyed the incredibly beautiful scenic drives and went to some delightfully warm hot springs.

Next we went exploring in Teton Park and were in awe of the crystal clear blue lakes and glacier peaks. I could have stayed there forever but I would need the rest of the people I love to move there too.

Just when we thought we were on sensory overload, we went to Yellowstone. We couldn't believe the majestic wildness. We saw bison ( and were involved in a bison lead road block), wild moose ( they can dive up to 18 feet deep to eat), elk, eagles, and chipmunks. Additionally we saw the infamous Old Faithful (not particularly noteworthy in comparison to other things we saw) and thermal pools that displayed a meriade of colors including orange, turquoise, green, and purple.

We've packed up mom and Dan's house on the trailer (an amazing feat!) and we are now hammer down heading south.

There's still much more adventure ahead of us so I'll write again soon!

Ps- there are houses in Idaho where the basement was built but the top was never added. They are underground homes complete with driveway and garage. It made me giggle. I've attached a picture:)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Missouri, Kansas and Iowa

We're still kicking along! Currently we are working steadily through the wind farms and corn fields of Nebraska.

After dropping off TJ and Lily (with many tears) we headed out of Missouri. We really enjoyed our time in the scenic state and especially at New Tribes. The campus is extensive and houses around 180 students, 250 staff, and their dependents. It's certainly a thriving community.

We drove through Kansas City and had redemptive BBQ at Gates. We all got into it- even Levi chomped down on a bone or two:)

From there we headed north to Dos Moines, Iowa. We made it in time to see the fair. It was an unexpected and spontaneous surprise. We ate deep fried pickle dogs, cheese curds, funnel cake, and fresh chocolate milk and ice cream. Saw HUGE horses (standing taller than Kyle!) and cows- the best in the state! There were some beautifully restored tractors and basically you could tell it was a major deal.

Kyle had a day of work and the boys and I hung out at a nice hotel and ran around to find some playgrounds and other fun things to do. Now we're moving on. Tonight Wyoming and tomorrow we arrive in Idaho.

The boys are also doing some amazing things. Levi started spontaneously counting correctly to ten and making up songs and Judah is up on all 4's and rocking. He's not 'crawling' but has crawled. They're amazing:)

Until next time- Happy Trails!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri

So far the trip has been absolutely wonderful! Currently were in Missouri and we're closing in on New Tribe Mission's Training Center where we are going to be dropping off TJ, Lily, and the girls. It will obviously be bittersweet because we will miss them so much but we are very excited about what God has planned for them.

We've been really enjoying the stops and impromptu exploring we've been doing. We've had some amazing picnic lunches where we've gotten to see some beautiful parts of America. The world takes in a different view when seeing it from your children's delighted eyes! Anywhere we stop is fun if we take a little time to look at what is around us:)

We stopped in Atlanta and passed by the first Chick fa la and went on to eat some very tasty and spicy Ethiopian food. We also routed through Memphis to get some famous BBQ. We researched and found a place that was both an international and national winner. However, sadly, it was an epic fail for our meal:) oh well, there's always more food.

We stopped at a great friends house and spent the night with them and their creative and bright children. It was such a blessing to feel so at home and encouraged in the Lord.

Currently we just pulled a mere four miles off the road and enjoyed a life long memory picnic at Big River Springs. A river worked its way though the limestone and dropped down through a cave coming out at our picnic location as pristine turquoise blue. There were weeping willows hanging over the river and gorgeous oak trees lining the fields and playground.

Kyle and I are glowing as we get to spend all day together and work as a team. It's a special time indeed!

God is good:) !